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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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((OOC: The planet is called Doz Atab))


Domenic had passed over the crest of another hill, giving himself another small reprieve from the missiles. He quickly ejected the thermal clip from his gun, replacing it with a new one. He then took a mine off his belt, quickly set it to remote detonation and tossed it on the ground. His helmet displayed a sphere around the mine, showing its blast radius, as one of the Hammerheads passed through the radius, he detonated the mine, damaging the tank and sending it off course. It corrected after a second, but was now moving slower, its main engine spewing smoke.


Shadow transferred the tracker information to the shuttle's computer, it showed Domenic's location as a green dot on the planet.

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Hari saw the green dot on the computer and directed the shuttle towards Domenic's location, soon halfway down to the surface. She spotted the Hammerheads flying around, "Hammerheads are in sight." Hari pointed out. Vael approached Hari and watched her as she stopped the Kodiak shuttle.
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"Good, we can cut them off, getting between them and Domenic, or we flank them or sneak up from behind, your call" Noah said, "Another option might be to fly into Domenic's path and open the door, he can fly into the shuttle and we can escape without even fighting the Hammerheads, again, it's your call Hari, you're the pilot."
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"We'll take the stealth route and surprise them." Hari replied. The shuttle circled one damaged Hammerhead, not yet detected. "Vael, open the shuttle door on my count and blow up the Hammerhead." Hari said.


Vael followed Hari's instructions and waited when Hari started the countdown; "3," "2," "1." Vael immediately opened the shuttle door and opened fire on the Hammerhead, causing an explosion that destroyed the hoverjets and the vehicle itself. Reloading, Vael could see other Hammerheads that were instantly alerted. Vael launched another missile into another Hammerhead, that breached its armor and almost destroying the engine. It then launched a guided missile at the shuttle, Vael detected the incoming missile and alerted Hari. "Missile incoming!"

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Noah fired two rockets at the second Hammerhead, crippling it to the point where it could no longer move or fire. He dropped the missile launcher, switching to his pistol he tried to shoot the enemy missile down. Edited by leirynot
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((OOC: Are there three/two/four Hammerheads? EDIT: Ok.))


The enemy missile was almost to the point of being wiped out by Noah's shots when Vael dropped the missile launcher and switched to his Viper. Vael concentrated hard on the incoming missile and with the missile in sight, he pulled the trigger. The shot put the missile off and sent it flying into the surface. The resulting explosion destroyed the Hammerhead and Domenic was now safe.

Edited by 62firelight
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((OOC: There were only 2, Domenic only damaged one, but he didn't destroy it, so there are (well were) two chasing him before the shuttle came)) Edited by leirynot
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Vael kept an eye on the ground, searching for any surviving Hammerheads. Realizing that the two were the only ones sent, he put his sniper rifle down slowly and turned to Hari, "The area's clear. Domenic's safe, for now." he told Hari, who was about to land the shuttle near Domenic's location. "Good, now if I can just land.." Vael then grabbed the top of the shuttle door and watched as the shuttle almost reached the surface.
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Domenic saw the shuttle fly in and destroy the Hammerheads, he reversed direction and glided slowly towards the shuttle, which had not yet landed. With a small burst from his jetpack he flew up through the shuttle door.
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