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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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The shuttle doors closed and the methane atmosphere of Doz Atab was pumped out and replaced with a breathable nitrogen-oxygen one. Noah and Domenic removed their helmets.

"Good to see you Dom," said Noah

"Likewise, thanks for the rescue. I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to make it"

Noah held out his hand and Domenic shook it, the second he did so Noah sent an electric pulse down his arm, giving Domenic a shock of approximately 80,000 volts, it had a low amperage, however, meaning it just caused pain rather than being lethal. Domenic's whole body tensed as the electricity passed through it, he let go of Noah hand and staggered back against the wall of the shuttle.

"Gahhh, f***! It feels like a f***ing Krogan headbutted me in the f***ing chest! Seriously! what the f*** was that for?"

"That was for what happened on Omega," replied Noah with a grin.

"Really? You still remember that? You bastard."

Domenic stood up, shaking a bit from the adrenalin of being chased by the Hammerheads coupled with the shock he just received. He walked over and offered his hand to Vael.

"Domenic Wynter, hopefully you don't have any reason why you would want to cause me any pain."

Edited by leirynot
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"I wouldn't." Vael replied. Vael shook Domenic's hand and introduced himself, "Vael'Grael, that's my full name, but you can just call me Vael. And there's my friend over there; Hari. She's a great engineer."
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"Good to meet you... Now, it would seem you want to piss off Cerberus, you're off to a good start so far, but have you planned a next move?" Domenic asked as he shook Vaels hand.
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"I look forward to meeting him."

((Fast forward to shuttle landing in the shuttle bay))

"So, you're Domenic Wynter, glad we got there in time," said Shadow to Domenic

"Same here, guess the Illusive Man finally got tired of me, so what's the next move we're going to take?"

"We have a contact with Cerberus information, Miranda Lawson, it's not the most recent, but it could still be useful. We're probably going to be hitting smaller outposts, along with their financial sources, now that you're safe, I'll contact her, feel free to explore the ship."

"Very well, I may be able to make some upgrades to the ship's systems, as well as to the weapons in the armory."

Shadow went to the comm room and contacted Miranda as Noah and Domenic went to the armory to see what they could do to improve the weapons in the armory.

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Vael and Hari listened to the ongoing conversations, and followed Noah and Domenic to the armory. Vael looked around the armory, to see if there were any other weapons other than his Phalanx and Viper.
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"The rescue mission was successful, Domenic is safe, but hasn't had access to much of Cerberus' high priority information for several years, even he can't hack a system that secure. We need leads on some important targets, but right now I can see you're a bit preoccupied, is there anything we can do to help?" Shadow asked.
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