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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Okay then." Hari said to Noah before he was about to enter the crew's quarters. Vael and Hari went up to the Port Observation Lounge and looked to the right to see some stools which they sat on.
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After a few hours, the Vancouver had arrived in the system that Miranda was on, and began orbiting the planet, Shadow called Vael, Hari, and Domenic down to the shuttle bay to be part of the away team, just in case there was trouble.
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Domenic and Shadow got into the elevator and rode it to the shuttle bay, then stepped out.

"Alright everyone, Miranda is on the surface, and should be near the location she was at when she contacted us. I'm not expecting any resistance, but just in case, does everyone have their weapons?" Shadow asked Vael and Hari, since he and Domenic had taken weapons out of the armory before going to the shuttle bay.

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Shadow and Domenic climbed into the shuttle, Domenic taking the pilot's seat, they waited for the two Quarians to get in.

((OOC: Done for tonight, tired and the bugs in the room I'm in are getting really really annoying.))

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Vael started talking "We're here. Let's go pick up Miranda and get back to the Vancouver." Vael walked up near to the shuttle door, along with Hari. "The air here is unbreathable, so be prepared for that." Hari warned the two humans.
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