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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Shadow put on his breather helmet, Domenic always wore one with his armor, as breathing open air while traveling at speeds over 100 KPH could be difficult.

"Alright, ready. Open the door." Shadow replied.

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Miranda wasn't sure who it was who just broke into her base.... so she walked towards the door, as it opened she held her pistol to whomever's head was there "Freeze, or you get a bullet to the- Domenic wynter? Shadow? Thank god it is you lot.... i am sorry, your brains could have been all over the floor... Thank's for coming to get me... this place is a f***ing death trap."
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"Sorry, probably could have given you some warning before opening the door." Domenic said to Miranda.

Shadow shook his head at this remark, "Come on, let's go."

Edited by leirynot
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Vael and Hari let Miranda pass them, waiting until she was on the shuttle. After she was at the shuttle, Hari followed and headed for the shuttle as well, Vael behind her following her. They then waited for Domenic and Shadow to get back to the shuttle. "Hostiles could show up at any minute, let's get back quick." Vael said to Domenic and Shadow.
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Miranda smiled "Once we are far enough away... we can kiss goodbye to hostiles. I rigged there base to blow, all i need to do now is press a button. So, you guys all stayed together? Thats good... based on what i know, you guys are taking on Cerberus... i have two main allies we could pick up: Aria T'loak, you all know her. And the Spectre Teltis Vosa... i heard she hates Cerberus, and currently the council is trying to find an assignment worthy of her prowess."
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Domenic climbed into the pilot seat of the shuttle and began flying it back to the Vancouver.


Shadow knew of Aria, but was unsure about Teltis, "Which do you think would be the better ally, I haven't heard of Teltis, so who do you recommend."

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