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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Miranda thought for a moment and said "Depends on what you are after. Aria owns crime. Literally every criminal activity in the terminus systems belongs to her... so if you want things blown the f*** up, and Cerberus's bases screwed, we should go see her. If you want one of the best time bombs alive, go or Teltis... she is known as the Biotic God, mastering destructive power, she is an excellent ground troop for ground assaults... but ultimately belongs to the council. Both are excellent choices, just depends really on what you need right now." Miranda replied with a smile, pressing the detonator down, and listening to the explosion.
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"Aria.." Vael remembered what he owed to the crime lord. Something of actual value could be hard to find. Vael shook his head slowly, staring down and worried. Hari looked at Domenic as he flew the shuttle, then Vael and noticed Vael worried. "I know what you're thinking, Vael. We still owe Aria. But remember the battle for Rannoch is soon.." Vael looked up at Hari, who then continued.


"Keelah se'lai. Remember that."

Edited by 62firelight
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Shadow heard Vael say Aria's name and remembered Vael saying that he owed Aria something, it would probably be best not to seek her help while he had someone who owed her on his crew. "I think we should go with Teltis."
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Vael nodded, and heard Shadow. "Teltis then? I'm okay with that.." Vael said slowly. A feeling came over Vael that Shadow already knew what he owed to Aria.. Nevertheless, he smiled slightly, a near visible one.
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Shadow turned back to Miranda, "So, I'm guessing you can contact Teltis?"


The bay doors opened to the Vancouver, Domenic landed the shuttle, the doors closed shortly after.

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Corporal Logan Howlett was drunk. And happy to be so. His mother and sister are dead and he hadn't heard from his father. He stumbled down the streets of the Zakera Ward, bumping into multiple different people of multiple races. He headed for the his Commons apartment where he could just lie down and sleep it off. Just when he was almost there however he bumped into a Asari. She was good looking, Logan thought. In his drunken stupor he said somethings that to him sounded amazing, but in reality were just random, vulgar words put together into sentences. The Asari, was clearly offended and shot Logan back into a wall with her biotic powers.

"Well... that wasn't very nice..." Logan mumbled.

Edited by AGhostdogg10
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Domenic climbed out of the shuttle and was waiting for the others in the elevator.


"Alright then, you probably know the way," Shadow said, getting out of the shuttle and walking to the elevator.

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