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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Shadow had arrived on the CIC, he walked into the comm room and said to Miranda, "So, did she agree to join us?"


Noah simply nodded at Vael's comment, then went into the elevator, going to the armory.

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Logan closed his terminal and jumped in the shower. Once he got out of the shower and dried off, he began to equip his System Alliance Marine armor. Once fully armored he opened his weapons safe and took out his M-99 Saber and Scimitar Shotgun. He headed back to his private terminal and downloaded the email from Hackett onto his Omni-Tool.

He left his apartment and headed to the C-Sec offices. If anyone knows who this guy is, Commander Bailey or one of his guys would know. He arrived at the C-Sec offices and demanded to see Bailey. Bailey emerged from his office and shook Logan's hand.

"I need help Bailey. And in all truthfulness your the only person I can ask." Logan said while shaking his hand.

"Well... Spit it out. What do you need." Bailey asked.

"I'm looking for some guy named Noah. He was once an Marine but was impaled on Dragon Spikes and somehow didn't turn into a Husk. I have the email Hackett sent me on the guy." Logan pulled up the email on his Omni-Tool and continued with "He is traveling with some people. One is named Vael." Logan explained.

Bailey read the email and scratched his head and said "Yeah. I've heard of him. He just left the station I think."

"Damn... do you have any contact information? Anything I can use to contact him?" Logan inquired.

Bailey signaled to one of the officers on a terminal and walked away. Logan walked over to him.

"Well sir... Uh... We have the name of ship he's on. The
. That's all we can do to help."

Logan sighed and walked off.

Edited by AGhostdogg10
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Vael continued towards the Crew Quarters, finding the door to it quickly. He opened the door, and looked around for where he would sleep. After a few seconds of looking, he climbed up and rested on the bed.
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Logan returned to his apartment and got on his terminal. He opened up his email and told Hackett all the information he had dug up... which wasn't that much. He also told Hackett if he wants him to be working at full potential he would need to let him in on everything he knew about this guy and why the hell he's so important anyway. Logan sent the email and got an almost instant reply. It stated that his mission is to team up with Noah, Vael and the rest of the
crew, and do whatever the hell they were doing. Hackett also mentioned that he had sent an email to the
telling them Logan would be joining them next time they arrived at the Citadel, but was unsure if they even got the email due to the extranet being screwed up in the wake of the invasion.

Logan sighed and logged off his computer as he had some packing to do apparently.

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Vael stared at the top of the room and thought of his past, before he was exiled from the Fleet. One mission in particular, before he was exiled. He reminded himself of what had happened in the mission...


"Vael, Vael!"


With those words, Vael awoke. Blurred vision prevented him from seeing the person who woke him up from his unconscious state. Confused, the dazed quarian got back up to his feet, looking ahead to a figure he could make out as a quarian approaching. He looked around the surroundings, and all around him and the approaching quarian were ship parts were scattered all around the area, burning intensely. The quarian looked familiar.. he knew him. "Kal," He instantly realized that him and Kal were the only survivors of the ship that was destroyed by mercs in the Terminus. On his approach, Kal struggled on the way to Vael, trying to block out the wounds caused by the crash.


"Vael.. are you okay?" Kal asked. Vael nodded, when a pain started on his left arm. His injuries were not too severe as Kal's, but what was minor pain turned to a sharp hurting left arm ."I'm not as bad as you are, but damn.. my arm hurts," Vael grunted, clutching his left hand. Kal looked up to the sky, "Our ship crashed on a mission out into the Terminus. I don't know why, but these mercs.. they want something with the quarians." Kal said. Vael shook his head, "They do.. I don't know what the hell they want, but we can worry about that later.. because we need to heal our wounds quick, and get out of here before any more hostiles come.." Vael said. Kal nodded in response. The two searched the crashed ship for any medical stations that would help. Under a rock was a station filled with medi-gel. "Found some medi-gel." Kal signaled to Vael, who heard what he said and quickly got back to Kal's position The two quarians put the medi-gel carefully on their wounds, healing them. Vael heard a noise, and looked up to see a ship about to land on the planet they were on, near their position...


The quarian stopped dreaming about the events, and thought about other events...

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Miranda decided to call the crew to the meeting room, she needed to explain what was going to happen, and how to find Teltis. She spoke over the inter-com:


"Alright guys, Noah, Vael, Hari... can you come to the meeting room please. Urgently."


She turned to shadow and said "Yeah i did... lets wait for the others to get here before i explain what's what."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Noah walked into the meeting room, Miranda might notice that his face looked thinner than the last time she saw him, almost unhealthily so.

"What is it?"


Domenic heard the announcement as well, he knew Vael and Hari were on the crew deck, so he waited for them at the elevator.


((I'm guessing you just forgot about Domenic.))

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Vael heard the announcement by Miranda, and dropped down to open the door, looking ahead to see Domenic waiting at the elevator. He walked quickly over to Domenic, waiting for Hari to come.


Hari looked up and heard Miranda speaking over the inter-com, getting up to leave the Starboard Observation Deck. She opened the door, seeing Vael and Domenic waiting for her at the elevator. Hari reached the elevator, patiently waiting for Domenic to start the elevator.

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