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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"It's an airborne virus that effects synthetics, and seeing as the Cerberus troops are all now reaper cyborgs i think it would work. Take a seat and we will discuss my assets on the Citadel." Aria said, nodding to a place on the opposite sofa.


The boss sat down, Alex and another stood behind him, until the boss turned round "You can sit down to Starkiller, Sorrow" they both did, on either side of him, almost like bodyguards, though both seemed uncomfortable to be sitting next to the boss in a business like deal.

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Aria then stood up and paced for a few seconds before looking at 'The Boss' "Well my little blood hound, you have hunted and now you have the prize. Smuggling rings, gun trafficking, assassination contracts, alcohol shipments, drug dealing, red sand importing, mercenary work, extortion, protection, bombings, terrorism, hired muscle, hired help. Sound like a good ring of assets to you? That and Dark Pulse."
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Aria then stood up and paced for a few seconds before looking at 'The Boss' "Well my little blood hound, you have hunted and now you have the prize. Smuggling rings, gun trafficking, assassination contracts, alcohol shipments, drug dealing, red sand importing, mercenary work, extortion, protection, bombings, terrorism, hired muscle, hired help. Sound like a good ring of assets to you? That and Dark Pulse."


The boss frowned "And why wouldn't it sound good?"

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"Good. Just making sure you had no moral obligations against any of those things. Although everything you make money from based on those assets, i will to. But you knew that already. You'll have enough to live in a huge mansion in a week. That is how much money we are talking here." Aria said, looking down on afterlife from the lounge they were in.
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Neraine over listened the conversation from on of the vents peeping through a small hole seeing 'the boss' and aria, she began to video it for eviddence if she ever needed it.
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"Good. Just making sure you had no moral obligations against any of those things. Although everything you make money from based on those assets, i will to. But you knew that already. You'll have enough to live in a huge mansion in a week. That is how much money we are talking here." Aria said, looking down on afterlife from the lounge they were in.


"I know, I make a lot already" The boss said "You sure this place is safe? Your may could be turn coats"

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OOC: how is Neriane on Omega?! it is crawling with cerberus troops, and no N7 soldier would ever be sent there, it is beyond alliance space. and with the reaper threat going on she would be needed in the war. Plus Aria is a war asset, helping fight against the reapers.


"If i get turncoats, i turn them inside out and set them on fire." Aria said coldly as she sat back down.

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OOC: how is Neriane on Omega?! it is crawling with cerberus troops, and no N7 soldier would ever be sent there, it is beyond alliance space. and with the reaper threat going on she would be needed in the war. Plus Aria is a war asset, helping fight against the reapers.


"If i get turncoats, i turn them inside out and set them on fire." Aria said coldly as she sat back down.


OOC: It wouldn't matter, no one is going to risk using such untrustworthy evidence against a crime lord like aria


"Some one who shares my ideals, rare." the boss said

"If the boss gets turn coats he kills them before they can do jack s*** against him" Alex said

"Starkiller, speak again and I'll rip out your vocal cords. As I was saying, them assets sound really good, but how do I know you aren't going to double cross me? or already have?"

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