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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Aria smiled "You don't." She replied bluntly, but then said "Do you really think i would doublecross someone over my own assets? i need someone to manage them for me, and none of these dumb ass sacks of flesh can do that. You make money i make money. What is there for me to dislike about that?" Aria said as she picked up her cocktail, downing it in one.
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Aria smiled "You don't." She replied bluntly, but then said "Do you really think i would doublecross someone over my own assets? i need someone to manage them for me, and none of these dumb ass sacks of flesh can do that. You make money i make money. What is there for me to dislike about that?" Aria said as she picked up her cocktail, downing it in one.


"Me. I have away of keeping more money for myself"

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"Allow me to demonstrate what happens to people who try to take more than they bargained for. Garka! Bring me the traitor." Aria said standing up...


A man was hauled in and held by the arms, Aria held a pair of tongs in her hand, and after heating them to a boiling temperature, she burned and pulled off the balls of the traitor, then after that, she got a pair of pliers, and pulled each of his fingers off one after one, as he screamed in pain. She then brought out a very hungry Vorcha, it shouted and then began to slowly eat the man alive. As aria sat back in her sofa, watching on with a smile on her face.

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"Allow me to demonstrate what happens to people who try to take more than they bargained for. Garka! Bring me the traitor." Aria said standing up...


A man was hauled in and held by the arms, Aria held a pair of tongs in her hand, and after heating them to a boiling temperature, she burned and pulled off the balls of the traitor, then after that, she got a pair of pliers, and pulled each of his fingers off one after one, as he screamed in pain. She then brought out a very hungry Vorcha, it shouted and then began to slowly eat the man alive. As aria sat back in her sofa, watching on with a smile on her face.


Alex raised his gun and shot the man, mercy killing

The boss looked at the body "Disgusting"

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"Why on earth did you end the show there? look! the Vorcha was just pulling out his intestines." Aria said pointing, as the Vorcha began to ate said organs of the mans body. Then Neriane landed in front of Aria, the Crimelord looked at the woman and said "Well well well, what do we have here? A lost little child? shame lost children end up dead here on Omega is it not?" Aria said, as she nodded to Grizz, who pointed his assault rifle at Nerianes head.
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Neriane jostled for space in the vent when it broke open and she fell out landing 4 ft from Aria winded and blurred vision.


The boss nodded to Alex and Sorrow, Alex was physically superior to Sorrow, and so approached while sorrow aimed his gun, Alex tried to tie her up, rope in hand

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Neriane lashed out with her feet kicked alex in numerous places before being tied up.


The only thing Neriane proved by kicking Alex's Assualt armour was that kicking metal hurts your feet "Any use for this one?" Alex said, drawing his pistol and pointing it at her, he directed his question to Aria first, because it was her club

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