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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Neriane rolloed out the way and grabbed her combat knife and cut her hands then legs free. she ran for the exit and saw a metal wire leading to another area. She grabbed her handcuffs and jumped for the rail she put one cuff on one hand and the other one the rail she slid down it until she reached a lower platform were she used the combat knife to cut through the wire. Edited by Meciathe
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"She does not have a lithe enough body to be a dancer, i use Asari for that. And she seems to stupid to be of any other use... so no. Feed her to the Vorcha, shoot her, drown her in alcohol, beat her to a pulp. Just stop bothering me with such menial things and get out of my face." Aria replied.




Alex turned to the boss "Sir, I"

"SHUT UP AND GET AFTER HER!" the boss turned to Aria "Can you lock down the entire station?"


Alex and Sorrow took different paths after Neriane, and quickly got several others involved, most of which used code names, or went by their second names

Edited by Brutii
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OO: going to balance it out now


Neriane felt pleased with her escape but that was short lived; she turned around to see two of the bosses thugs,"s***!"


OOC: mythic, your going to have to change your post, I got ninjad


The 'thugs' turned out to be Savvas, a krogan, and 'The Joy', a human female who seldom smiled, both raised their guns, Assualt rifles "Move and I shot you" The joy said, and Savvas started walking towards Neriane

"You do anything, and you are dead" the krogan said, reaching for her, the joy tightened, making it clear she would shoot the Krogan if need be

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Hand cuff still attached to one of her hands she swung her arm low the the other cuff attaching to the krogans led and pulling him out under his feet.


OOC; A human female (not being sexist, I'm sorry, but your average human female is not as strong, I am sure there are many, many women who could beat me to a pulp, but I'm being genetic) could not move a krogan like that, I doubt even a very strong man (Like a body builder or something) could to it


The krogan laughed and kicked her down, then lifted her up the rope attached to his leg (Yes, I stated it was rope earlier) broke, and he swung a fist at her face, intending to knock her out


The joy heard the sound "She has no way to escape even if she makes it out of your hold Savvas, you don't need to crush her just yet"

"I know"

"That honour belongs to the Prima donna squad

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OOC: Correct. Krogan shotguns break the arms of humans. Any size. So imagine how strong they must be?


Aria took a cocktail and said "So... i'm curious. What is your name? a little of your background perhaps? if you share with me i will share with you." Aria said sitting back.

OOC: Correct. Krogan shotguns break the arms of humans. Any size. So imagine how strong they must be?


Aria took a cocktail and said "So... i'm curious. What is your name? a little of your background perhaps? if you share with me i will share with you." Aria said sitting back.


Savvas and the joy were walking to after life when they met Starkiller and The sorrow "Good work, hand her over" Starkiller said, and the Krogan reluctently handed Starkiller Neriane, And Starkiller Put his hand Very tightly around her neck, dragging her the rest of the way, Savvas and The Joy quickly went back to the conversation they were having before Neriane escaped


"I don't want to talk about..."

"Boss, I've got her"

"Good work, Starkiller" the boss said "Finish her"

Alex nodded to the sorrow, who removed Nerianes helmet, before Alex came over and drew his pistol, the sorrow held Neriane tightly, "Yippee ki-ay, motherf***er!" Alex said, pulling the trigger several times...

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