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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Neriane shrugged free slightly; Starkillers bullets hitting Sorrow who let go of her. She ran out pulling out her pistol shooting behind her her before making a leap of faith onto a passing vechile onto which she held tightly. Edited by Meciathe
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Neriane shrugged free slightly; Starkillers bullets hitting Sorrow who let go of her. She ran out pulling out her pistol shooting behind her her before making a leap of faith onto a passing vechile onto which she held tightly.

OOC: o_O


The sorrow screamed in pain, the boss pushed the Sorrow over, and stomped on him "INCOMPETENCE!" he turned to Alex "Next time, Savvas holds the prisoner!"

"Yes sir..."

"Destroy her"

Alex communicated with the boss's men "Find the prisoner, execute with EXTREME prejudice, use ANY means nessercary"


All of the bosses men knew what Alex meant, quickly they were all over Omega, and were ready to do anything to dispose of her

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OOC:Why not capture and interugate


Neriane jumped off the car and smashed through an appartments window.

OOC; Aria's space station, Aria wants her dead, so she dies, they are the rules of the criminal underworld. If it was the bosses, she would probably have it worse, so, you know. besides, what would they get from interrorgating such a low ranked individual?


They had lost Neriane for the time being, but before long, they would find her again, and once they heard someone's window had just been smashed in, they knew it was her...

Edited by Brutii
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OOC: It is a space station, there is no underground as you say, just city city and more city. No sewers either... that would just be stupid. Instead the waste goes to disposal and processing plants, not a sewer. Also her ship would do no good, Omega is locked down, meaning no way out at all, and no ship could punch a hole through either. Also are you forgetting cerberus?!


"This little *censored* has caused enough damage don't you think? I want her dealt with, and i want her dealt with now." Aria said coldly, rather annoyed by these events.

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OOC: It is a space station, there is no underground as you say, just city city and more city. No sewers either... that would just be stupid. Instead the waste goes to disposal and processing plants, not a sewer. Also her ship would do no good, Omega is locked down, meaning no way out at all, and no ship could punch a hole through either. Also are you forgetting cerberus?!


"This little *censored* has caused enough damage don't you think? I want her dealt with, and i want her dealt with now." Aria said coldly, rather annoyed by these events.


The boss turned to her "I assure you Starkiller will not fail again."


"Don't move and I'll do my best to make sure you live!" Alex shouted to Neriane, drawing his gun on her, "There are snipers pointing at your head, to move would be suicide!" there were several thugs behind alex, the Joy was sitting with another rather far back, sniper aimed "It's over"

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"It is a hunting dog" The boss said "And that will do fine for now" he wasn't about to give his name out to someone he hardly knew, and most certainly did not trust


Savvas grabbed Neriane, And the thugs had pretty much surrounded her, they took her back to the boss and Aria

"What have you brought her back for again?! Just kill her already!"

"Boss, she deserves to live, after all..."

"Save me your honour bull s***, it's up to Aria, it's not my choice" Alex looked at Aria, waiting to see the verdict which would most likely condemn neriane to death

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