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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Who says I'm going to shoot you," She pointed her gun at 'the boss' and shot 7 times. She walked backwards slowly putting her gun away and grabbing a bottle of achohol and pouring it over aria,"We both can go then." She said pulling out her gun again and pointing it back at aria's head.

OOC: You just killed yourself, you were not listening were you?


The boss was hit once, but most off the shots were taken by Alex, who threw himself in the was last second, the boss downed and his second incapacitated, there was widespread panic and confusion. Resulting in Savvas retreating with the boss, and The joy and a turian dragging Alex from the room, two thugs raised their smg's, shooting bullets, uncaring whether they hit Aria or Neriane at this point

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OOC: Are you dumb or is this just an act? She is covered in alcohol, the minute she fired that gun she would have gone up in flames, and no one is retarded enough to use Aria as a human shield, she is an Asari Matriarch, the most naturally powerful biotics in the galaxy.


Aria used biotics to break free, once she did she turned around and slammed her fist into Nerianes face, she then brought her knee up into her stomach and gripped her by the throat, she threw her to the ground and repetitively stamped on her head, before walking off and saying "Finish her, NOW!"

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OOC: Are you dumb or is this just an act? She is covered in alcohol, the minute she fired that gun she would have gone up in flames, and no one is retarded enough to use Aria as a human shield, she is an Asari Matriarch, the most naturally powerful biotics in the galaxy.


Aria used biotics to break free, once she did she turned around and slammed her fist into Nerianes face, she then brought her knee up into her stomach and gripped her by the throat, she threw her to the ground and repetitively stamped on her head, before walking off and saying "Finish her, NOW!"


With aria out the way, it was doomed that the bullets were to hit Neriane, her goose was almost deffinatly cooked, well over 70 bullets were flying at her, and considering Neriane was now up in flames from firing her own weapon, the boss, raising his injured head as he was carried from the room and the door closed, he smiled, knowing the one who had just attempted to take his life was about to lose hers

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OOC: themal clip is on her sniper not her pistol check charater sheet


Neriane ducked under a fallen table. One bullet piercing her shoulder.

Edited by Meciathe
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"Thanks a lot for trying to save me Blood Hound." Aria said as she stood next to the boss. "But i would have done the same... well, maybe." Aria said with a slight smile. "I need a change of clothes and a f***ing shower. Once this is over i will see you in afterlife, i can transfer assets there." Aria said walking off, to her quarters for a shower and a change of clothes.
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OOC: themal clip is on her sniper not her pistol check charater sheet


"looks like its just you and me." She said holding her pistol out.


OOC; All guns give off heat, and there is the two men who just machine gunned the f*** out of Neriane, and there is that hole in her, she's dead already


OOC: PS: As I fear Alex may be

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OOC: Actually, all guns hold thermal clips, that is the Ammo in the mass effect universe, your upgrade is a thermal clip CAPACITY upgrade, without thermal clips guns can't fire as they have no ammo... like trying to fire a gun without bullets, or trying to cut someone with a bladeless knife.


Aria had a shower and got out, she threw on an outfit identical to her previous one, only this time the Jacket was black also.

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OOC: this is just plain unfair




OOC: PS: Seeing how I need to come off, the boss is being treated for the hole in him


OOC: PPS: Alex is being treated (probably futilely) for the several holes in him (thank god he had armour to absorb two of them, or he'd be dead already, still, four holes is bad...)

Edited by Brutii
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OOC: do I look like I could f***ing care because once again nothing happens to mythics character who hes once again made op and the leader of nearly everything again and his characters NEVER DIE it's always mine or mybe yours.
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