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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"The scout was deranged by what she saw when she told us though... so we believed it at first. But after landing on Earth and scouting, recording your people, but never being seen or heard... we may have been the cause for some mysterious plagues but... apart from that we never interfered." Aria said smiling, she enjoyed that part of her long life.


"You may have been the cause of the black death, that killed a lot of the population in europe and quite a bit in the middle east, but other than that I don't think you did much"

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"We were as descreet as possible... but when things got stolen in the night, like the strange perfumes and Remedies, people blamed it on ghosts, so we stopped that... Still, it has been a pleasure to watch such a diverse people grow... i hope we all survive this Reaper war." Aria said with a smile.
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"We were as descreet as possible... but when things got stolen in the night, like the strange perfumes and Remedies, people blamed it on ghosts, so we stopped that... Still, it has been a pleasure to watch such a diverse people grow... i hope we all survive this Reaper war." Aria said with a smile.


"I don't know about Asari, but humans have survived many plagues, wars, two world wars, out first contact with a technologically superior race, which I might add, I believe we won that war, and many more, so we'll probably survive this. And I'm sure if us humans can then the rest of the citadel races can"

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"You are, as many humans may disagree with, lucky to have such short lifespans... it is not... nice to watch entire worlds live and die, species wiped out before they fully flourish.... but... i have no regrets for this life i have led. Iv'e been good, i was a commando once, and now i am this... hell maybe in 200 years i will be an advisor? a teacher of tradition, of history? a politician? who knows." Aria said, smiling at the bosses reassuring words.
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"You are, as many humans may disagree with, lucky to have such short lifespans... it is not... nice to watch entire worlds live and die, species wiped out before they fully flourish.... but... i have no regrets for this life i have led. Iv'e been good, i was a commando once, and now i am this... hell maybe in 200 years i will be an advisor? a teacher of tradition, of history? a politician? who knows." Aria said, smiling at the bosses reassuring words.


"I'd gladly give anything for more time, 150 years is too short a time to live"

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"That is still a child in Asari standards... we enter the matron stage at 350... although i know of one human who will live that long, previous cerberus opperative Miranda Lawson... she was genetically created without a mother... and she has a double lifespan. Anyway, you are making me feel old."


"Your making me feel young, it's odd, kind of nice and bad to feel that at the same time"

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Aria laughed before saying "It is quite funny is it not? a grown man in human terms...but a toddler in asari years.... i'd hate to think what i would look like at this age if i was human!"


"You'd just be bones, I can say that with certainty" the boss sighed "Why do I have belong one of the shortest living races? Why's it always me?"

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