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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"I'm on my Pilgrimage, well this one is probably unique from what you've heard." Vael said, "I was a exile, I saved the Rayya from being blasted into bits and I'm now on my quest to be reinstated. And what did you say about Rannoch?"
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"To my knowledge, A friend of mine said you were planning to retake it. I helped her acquire 'items of value' for the fleet mostly some parts for the drive cores of the live ships. We became fast friends after that, then maybe a week or so after we had known each other for a month, she vanished, although she left me a note saying she had to leave, urgent stuff with the fleet. A few days after that I got a message from her over the extranet saying that she was put in charge of engineering on one of the ships in the heavy fleet, I couldn't pronounce the name, and that the entire Migrant fleet was moving towards the veil to take back the homeworld." Shadow gave with a small smile "My money is on Shepard, because I know at one point he's going to be involved."


Shadow pulled his little pebble back out running over it with his finger "Although I hope the Quarians know what they are doing. This all goes south, and as an AI, The Geth will undoubtedly send it there, then I might end up loosing a dear friend of mine, all to the admirals idiotic decision to make the Geth focus on self-preservation." he closed his hand with the pebble in it "Listen to me babble. Damn war has me thinking to much these days, nice to head down to Purgatory for a bit of 'knock-out' juice."

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"Now I remember. When I saved the Rayya, it happened to be just going to the Mass Relay near Illium, heading towards what looked like the Perseus Veil. And I know you'll probably decline this request, but..can you help me acquire anything for my Pilgrimage?" Vael asked nervously.
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"Geth shutdown code?" Shadow thought for a second, running through all the contacts he knew of, legal and illegal "Pretty tall order, I'll give a couple of my friends a call, see if they know where to acquire one. It's the best I can do at current, but if the Vancouver ever finds one, I'll be sure to get it to you..." he asked not knowing who he was talking with.
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"No, that was just an idea..if you could find one. Something lesser, I just don't know. Bring something to me if you think it's of decent value, make sure it doesn't malfunction." Vael said, remembering his fight with Gal in Chora's Den.
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