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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Well, I didn't think you would be able to throw it that accurately alone, I was thinking of aiming for the canopy, but that worked. I'm going to go finish finish it, keep an eye out for the Phantom" Noah drew his shotgun, he biotically enhanced his run to the Atlas, not so much as to dash, just a small boost to get there faster. He was at point blank range, about to fire his shotgun when one of its arms shot out and grabbed him, unexpectedly, the Atlas righted itself. It raised its other arm, putting the gun directly against his head. "You tricky bastard..." Electricity began to arc from his body into the mech, the number of arcs increased rapidly. Suddenly, there was a massive electrical pulse, explosions erupted on the Atlas as various circuits on it overloaded. Noah let out a smaller biotic shockwave, releasing him from its grip, then suspending himself in midair. He focused and made a mass effect field inside the mech, and another surrounding it, he expanded the fields simultaneously ripping the mech apart with a huge pulse, sending pieces of the mech everywhere. He allowed the field around him to dissipate, dropping to the ground. A second later, the Phantom struck, using his forearm, Noah deflected the sword, and in the same action, aimed his shotgun at the Phantom's chest. He fired and the Phantom's chest exploded as the bullets collided with her, sending her sprawling. He jogged back to Shadow and Vael and contacted Miranda on the comm "any more Cerberus forces nearby?"


(OOC: I will not be able to post tomorrow, hopefully, I will be able to do so on Saturday, not sure though)

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"Wait, I've got someone else trying to contact me using a omni-tool." Vael used his omni-tool and heard Hari trying to speak to him. "Vael?" Hari said, "Hari? Is that you?" Vael replied, remembering that she was on the ship when the Coup started. "Yes, Vael. I'm in the elevator and I don't know where you are, but I'm heading to C-Sec to contact them." Hari replied. "Well, we're somewhere near the C-Sec offices as well. We just took out a squad of Cerberus troops." Vael said, keeping his eyes on the omni-tool. "Alright, I'll meet you somewhere there. Keelah se'lai." Hari concluded. Vael looked up to Noah, "Any more Cerberus troops?" He asked, getting up.
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After having fully caught his breath, Shadow stood up shakily, but righted himself when he managed to regain control of his muscles "Vael, you said Hari was moving towards the C-sec offices?" he asked "Tell her the Vancouver was docked near there, D46. I'll radio in to get her some help."
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"Alright, I'll try to contact her again." Vael said, using his omni-tool once again. "Hari?" Vael reached Hari with the omni-tool. "The Vancouver, the ship I'm going on with Shadow is on Docking Bay D46. And, what happened to our ship?" Vael asked. "Vael.. our ship was blown up by Cerberus. I'm afraid we'll have to get on the Vancouver." Hari replied. "OK.. Shadow, we'll have to get on your ship until my Pilgrimage ends. Hari, I'll send you the coordinates." Vael said.
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