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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Miranda contacted them hurriedly "More troops inbound for the C-sec offices.... i don't know how much longer Bailey and the rest of C-sec can hold out.... Cerberus are coming for for me, i can already hear there footsteps down the hallway.... If i don't make it out alive.... Just remember what we are fighting for. Operative Lawson, out."
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Miranda stood up from her chair as the Cerberus troops forced the door open, they pointed there rifle's at her and she frowned "So this is what the Illusive man has you all doing now? To think i once believed in you all... followed you're ideals... But now? You can all go to hell!" She shot one trooper in the head, and then hit a switch on her control panel, which sounded loud alarms in the room, and started venting it, the Troops were thrown into confusion and Miranda took the chance to smash open the large view screen in the office, where she could see Vael and the other bellow. She stood on the desk and walked to the window sill, The troops regained there focus and began firing at Lawson, but she jumped out of the window, falling at an alarming rate, but landing softly on the ground with biotics, she found cover behind a speeder and started shooting at the troops who were in the control room, noticing Vael and the others behind her.
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"Wait." Vael said, hearing gunfire from up above. "Someone's up in that control room." he continued. Vael vaulted over the object and took a look up. He could see Cerberus troops shooting someone. Vael took out his Sniper Rifle and looked into the scope, while cloaked and in cover. The troops died one by one, the person who was defending themselves was on a killing spree. Vael heard Hari talking to him by omni-tool, stopping him.


Hari ran (like hell) to the coordinates Vael sent to him, cloaking as soon as she saw an Atlas with more than a dozen Assault Troopers at its side, heading towards Vael, Shadow and Noah. Hari contacted Vael. "You've got reinforcements headed your way. Watch out." she said, leaning against the wall using it for cover.


Vael looked at his omni-tool again, "Damn." Vael turned around. "Noah. Shadow. We've got reinforcements on the way."

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Miranda looked at the Atlas that was getting closer to her position. "s***!" She said, peering out from cover, and looking at the Atlas. On her own she could not take it out, but seeing Noah and Shadow in cover not far behind her, she thought that it would be best if she helped them, after all another gun against the Atlas would make a difference.
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Hari cloaked as soon she had finished talking to Vael. Slowly, she approached the Atlas. Hari sneaked behind one of the troopers guarding the Atlas, undetected. She saw a woman in a catsuit, fighting off troopers. The Assault Trooper Hari was behind engaged the woman immediately when it saw her. Hari burned the trooper using her tech abilities, making a run for it back to cover while decloaked. She slid into cover, but she took a bullet to the leg, injuring her in the process.
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