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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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OOC: LOL sorry guys, that is what i get for posting and leaving LOL i have changed it back to reaper.


"Deal with them... look i know Shephard is a bloody hero, but he cannot deal with Cerberus alone... it would take a fleet to destroy the illusive mans base, and a hell of a team to wipe out the rest of cerberus." Miranda replied. "But we have Omega on our side i think... Aria took it back from Cerberus so that is another point to us."

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"Listen to me and listen well, Cerberus is not an easy foe. You think this is hard? this is just a small task force of the cerberus army's, you want to try and attack Cerberus head on, then go ahead, but it's your funeral.And Aria T'loak is not easy to gain as an ally... although Shephard gets on with her." Miranda replied. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"she has reason to deal with Shepard." Shadow said, staying quiet up until now "He is our last hope. I don't think there is anyone else who can unite the races like he is capable of. Aria recognizes this, and uses it to her advantage. She knows that regardless on whether or not she has Omega, the reapers will come, and they will destroy the station. Unless, Shepard stops them. As for Cerberus... Best we can do, right now that is, are precision strikes. Hit them where it hurts most. Mainly, cut off their funding. Can't buy the equipment for your weapons if you don't have the funds. Miranda, you know most of the code to access their network of donors, correct? Didn't you use them for Lazarus?"
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"I know everything about Cerberus. All of there funders, all of the corporations that front them, all of there dealers and recruiters, weapons factory's... Well i know every one from six months ago... but it's the best option we have right now... still, it's not much of a plan. We can't really damage them but... if you wan't to try, i can help... i might even have an insider who can aid us." Miranda said regarding Cerberus, she then looked at Shadow and nodded. "You are right.... and now she has the three biggest mercenary organizations under her control... i would hate to be a Cerberus troop in her way."
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"You can count me in, Cerberus is working with the Reapers, and I'll do anything to fight the Reapers, directly or indirectly, but there's one condition... I need something to replace my Cain."
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"You wan't a new cain? they are very expensive you know... i don't know where you can get one from. But if you suicidal bunch are really going to attack Cerberus, then you need Aria's help, she can give you the aid i cannot... besides i have... matters to attend to. But go see T'loak on Omega... she is the only hope of an ally we have right now." Miranda said.
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