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[Power Armor] T60 - Juggernaut


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Hello, I'm super new to modding and modelling stuff in Fo4 and wanted to ask for some help or make a request for a specific kind of armor.


Juggernaut armor. Not for your character themselves, but for their power armor frame. I've gotten a little bit into making one with the gracious resources of "Outlawer," yet I'm facing some issues in-game where the whole torso floats and wont move with the power armor, just kind of sits there in some sort of c-pose or t-pose.


Here's what i got in 3dsmax, below I'll also provide the resource link with the juggernaut armor in it. My goal is a nice looking semi-sleek power armor that resembles a bombsquad/juggernaut.










Outlawer's Outfit/Resource pack


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Your problem is that you need to properly configure your rig in the nif file so that it lines up correctly with theframe’s rig. I believe there is a tutorial out there somewhere that shows how to do this. Regardless, that is the most likely cause of your immobile torso piece.
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Your problem is that you need to properly configure your rig in the nif file so that it lines up correctly with theframe’s rig. I believe there is a tutorial out there somewhere that shows how to do this. Regardless, that is the most likely cause of your immobile torso piece.

Thank you; however, despite all the time I've used trying to fix this I haven't found any helpful tutorials. Thank you though, i think this project is over.

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  • 2 months later...

I haven't done any PA mods, so maybe there is something more to it, but to me when something isn't moving with the rest of the body it is caused by a weighting issue.


Have you tried weight painting it in Outfit Studio, using the PA Frame as a reference?


I believe doing this caused the model to become an error.

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