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Marvel Gwen Poole/GwenPool Outfit, Torn Outfit, Mask, and Casual Clothing?


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Hi I'm here to request for somebody make some of the outfits worn by Marvel's newest 4th wall breaking rising star and now one of my to 10 favorite Marvel Heroes(which includes Anti-Heroes) Gwen Poole who who has chosen Gwenpool as her "superhero name" (how original) I'm asking for replicas of her usual Gwenpool outfit with the torn version as seen in one of the pics and I'm also here to request replicas of her usual everyday attire Which is made up of a tank-top and athletic short shorts. if someone could please do this that would be amazing as I love Gwenpool's outfit and I have been looking for a mod that adds outfits that include athletic short shorts or maybe make them a clothes item that you can put on separately like what is done in the Tomb Raider Accessories mod that would be cool for people who are looking to make a specific style. please can somebody do this it would be perfect for my zombie survival playthrough with the Zombie Walkers mod as well as any other playthrough other people might be doing?




Edited by creepermin3
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