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i need help pleeeeease


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please for the love of god someone help me. today i decided to delete all the skyrim mods and restart because somewhere alongthe lines i messed up so i wanted to start clean and fresh. i can not do this however because for whatever reason even though uninstlled and deletedall the mods from the modlist i still have mods active when theres nothng there. i dont know how to get to the data file for nexus or skyrim to delet any of them ive uninstalled nexus and skyrim and reinstalled them but still nothing has changed. i keep trying to put skyui in and all i get is this


This report informs you about potential problems with your SkyUI installation.
Fix these problems , then press 'Refresh' to confirm that they're gone.
After all problems have been resolved, you can continue with the installation.
Problem #1:
There are files in your 'Data/' folder, which override newer versions from the SkyUI.bsa archive.
These files are:
Potential causes:
* An old SkyUI version was not uninstalled before installing the new one.
1. If you have an old SkyUI version installed in NMM, uninstall it, then try again.
2. If there are still problematic files reported, delete them manually.
please help me before i go insane. please its driving me freaking crazy
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