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Global Scripts?


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That event is available with the Story Manager. OnStoryChangeLocaton()


Basically you'd have a repeatable quest with a script something like this...


Scriptname MyChangeLocScript extends Quest

Event OnStoryChangeLocation(ObjectReference akActor, Location akOldLocation, Location akNewLocation)
 Debug.Trace(akActor + " moved from " + akOldLocation + " to " + akNewLocation)
 ;do stuff
 Stop() ; stop the quest so the SM will start us again on the next event.


If you want to attach scripts to the player or any world object, then you can use the Story Manager and Alias's, or magic effect scripts. These will mean you won't have to edit the objects directly in the CK, so your mod will likely be more compatible with others. This thread on the Beth forums gives a good outline.

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