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RadiationRifle - Gamma Gun and Radium Rifle fusion!


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Hello everyone, i'd like to request a really quick and dirty edit to Radium Rifle!

Would it be possible to make it so the rifle only deals radiation damage, like the Gamma Gun, but is also capable of automatic fire and has a 30 bullet mag? It'd be nice if it could use Gamma Gun's shot sound and projectile effect!

Just imagine it, the full GLORY OF THE ATOM! This would be just AWESOME! Perfect for Far Harbor and the Glowing Sea!

You can make it a standalone or mod the stock Radium Rifle, whatever you like! I don't need any special obtaining method for a standalone, just a command will do, tho adding it to Children of Atom's leveled lists would be amazing too!

Thank you so very much to whoever could make this, i hope you like the idea as much as i do and i hope i'm not asking for much! Thanks!

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Thank you for your replies!

Well i tried doing this myself before posting, my expirience with fo4edit is very lacking tho.

I modified the base damage value to 0 and found the object effect responsible for rifle's radiation damage, but even with rad damage raised to 400 it still did nothing to the enemies. When base damage was set to 1, rad damage was working correctly but the rifle still did nothing to turrets and robots, which i belive is not the case for the gamma gun.

I'd really apriciate if you, or somebody else more expirienced than me took a look at the Gamma Gun's files and compared them to the Radium Rifle ones becouse the Gamma Gun seem to work ok and modified Radium Rifle has wierd issues that I haven't been able to solve. I also have no idea how to change the ammo, weapon shot effect and sound to the one Gamma Gun uses.

Basicly i'd like it to work like an automatic Gamma Gun with the Radium Rifle model.

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Here ya go... I'm not at my home PC, so I can't play test it, let me know how it works! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28377/

Please comment on the mod page so I can get notified of it...

Edited by TheCoolest7248
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