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skyrim getting boring


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skyrim unmodded is a very average game, I pity anyone playing the console version.


problem is the character disconnect, this is one of the few rpg's that i've played through where there's no one I cared about. They're just shallow and lifeless,

even after you finish the main questline and save the world and come back no one cares or even mentions it apart from maybe the odd guard.


like marriage, all you do is put on an amulet and then someone says they are interested and you say yes, and that's the "romance". I'm not expecting a bioware romance but come on put some more effort in. How about an extended romance that could develop with your companion as you journey with them through the game.



Some good points though it's quite a nice game to look at tweaked out with ENB graphics, the atmosphere of watching clouds roll over snow covered mountains. Some good questlines, I thought the dark brotherhood questline was better than the main questline. All the quests involving the daedric princes was awesome.


The whole system of dragonshouts and how they work was great.


I still enjoyed skyrim but there was so much that had to be improved on, I felt like they released a rough game and then expected the mod. community to iron out all the bugs and glitches.

Edited by shadey81
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Well I have both the Skyrim versions for the PS3 and the PC and for the most part I have to agree that Skyrim is less interesting than Oblivion was but I think (in my opinion) was that you had lots of different places to go to. Yuo could go to oblivion, the shivering isles and sometimes during the deadric quests you could go to some pretty freaky places.


The quests in oblivion were also more challenging for the most part and its underground caverns where also long and sometimes awesome to look at. It had liches and undead of all kinds.


Skyrim for the most part seems very depressing...the atmosphere of the game just seems pretty down. Its still a good game (with mods to spice things up) but I think was makes the game kind of lackluster was the lore for Skyrim. I feel like Skyrim should have been the FINAL ES game mostly because Alduin was suppose to come back at "the end of time" so it would make sense to me at least that this should have been the final game.


The one thing I do not miss in oblivion was how everyone mentioned mudcrabs...lol at least over here the townspeople and guards keep up to date on events although I don't know how they could know really...there isn't a Skyrim Daily News..lol

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What I don't understand is the dragons. How long was Skyrim in development for? Probably quite a long time at the very least, and they managed to make the main sticking point of the game, dragons, INCREDIBLY BORING. In all that time Skyrim was in development, they managed to make:


-Blood Dragon

-Frost Dragon

-Elder Dragon

-Ancient Dragon


5 dragons? Not only that, but they all have what, 4 attacks each? Breath, Thu'um, bite and a weird tail bash. What the Hell is that all about? They should have countless moves at their disposal, every single encounter should feel like a fight to the death with the epic music playing but no, run up to dragon, shield bash to recoil it, hack away, repeat, take a swig of a stamina potion then continue, then when the dragon finally decides to get up and fly around for a bit, Dragonrend it back down and it lands at the same spot and repeat 'til it's dead, shameful.


Imagine if Gran Turismo was released with 5 cars, I think people would be pretty pissed too.


Not to mention the lack of emotion I care for anyone in this game, walk past a guard, "You have vanquished a great evil blah blah blah" turn around and cut his head off (not that that even works because of the helmet bug) take his steel arrows then dump his body in the Riften canal. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Thank God for mods.

Edited by SkyrimeisterSam
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atleast we have deadly dragons mod for the game while xbox gets to party with their dlc and ps3 does not get anything. what i like to do with mods is make the game more realistic and less funny my little pony dragons. i just dont like to add dumb stuff to the game, sure they are funny to me and if i was to post youtube videos then i would use that funny stuff but usually i just like to make it more realistic and the only funny thing i like to use is exploding chickens. i also think it would be cool if you can go back into oblivion and fight deadra, or atleast make it so theres a little more deadra in the game
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If someone wants to improve their Skyrim experience a lil bit then use Personalized Music mod and add some themes from Oblivion to Skyrim. One thing I got sick off was listening to same things all the time.
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I've been enjoying Skyrim a lot more since I purchased Dawnguard. It's a pretty decent dlc pack so far, but I have always enjoyed the Elder Scrolls games. I usually make a warrior, mage, and scout class and play through the game in all the different play styles. It keeps things fresh and interesting for me anyway... I am looking forward to the Elder Scrolls MMO that will be coming out in 2013. Game Informer said the game play would be different, so I'm hoping the combat ends up like Age of Conan at least.. We'll see...


But yeah, try playing with different classes and see if that adds to overall replay value for you. Hope this helps!

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I really couldn't stand oblivion, it was so boring after a while that I just stopped playing it. The combat was always the same moves it was really boring. Skyrim has the killcams and different combat moves but the special moves like chopping stuff off need to be more on que and less up to percentages. Would be better if targets would completely vaporize or burn to a crisp if hit by a high level character say level 81 lol.


The crap dialogue and the lack of details in some areas makes playing this game annoying. I get to a high level like 81 and I become the harbinger and the thane of everywhere and kill the most powerful dragon in existence who was basically the end of the world and all I get for it is some stupid guard telling me that if I cause any trouble he will haul me into the dungeon of dragonsreach himself? So I ran him through without hesitation lol. But seriously why didn't they make that level of detail in the game? Some people should call you harbinger or thane or whatever you achieve not sneakthief. The biggest annoyances for me though are things like roaring fires with no chimneys like in breezehome or anywhere else and for some reason no basement for breezehome! Just a simple basement with a lot of bookshelves and one mannequin would have worked just fine. Of course the bugs too those are terrible I can't stand all the bugs.


I have played through the game only once, missed the dark brotherhood quests because I chose to eradicate them then later found out why they were so significant killing the king and all:-( I can't bear to play through this game a second time without significant modification. No way I would spend that much time to get the same thing again expecting it to be better or different somehow. So mods it is but I haven't been able to start a new character yet. I keep finding new mods to mess with and adding them to a list of mods that I will use when starting a new character lol.

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