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skyrim getting boring


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This is the first Elder Scrolls game I've played, and so far it's not boring. I have enough mods to keep me occupied, though.


You need to play the other two. Morrowwind and The Elder Scrolls Oblivion. You will be glad you did. I hope the storyline continues in the next episode of this great game trilogy.

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So far the thing that is really boring for me right now is dwenmer ruins. They are huge especially that one ruin with the researcher guy that lived there. Really boring traveling through all those ruins on every playthrough. No matter what you will always have to travel those ruins and put up with the falmer every single time. Just glad the falmer can't talk cuz the first thing they would probably say is "space marine space marine!" in a really bad accent lol played too much of that game when it came out and they just look so similar.
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I think what made Oblivion better was not only the Two DLC "knights of the nine" and "the sivering ilse" but also because of the planes of oblivion you could travel to, and i did find it quite fun trying to micro manage some of the little skills that did not get put in this game.. and i also miss the active sidestep and evade feature form oblivion
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IMO the original Skyrim unmodded made you far too fast level up, especially when you set on a combi of smithing, enchanting and alchemy. This is somewhat corrected with the updates, still, the skill trees are not really fleshed out for a satisfying game play.


What i was doing to get a satisfying experience was to focus on mods, which add immersion, which make the skill trees more diverse and perk effects weaker, while you have to spend more points to become really a master in one. i made dragon spawns more rare, because I did not like, that they get annoying like the cliff racers in Morrowind (you get far too fast rich with these common dragon spawns anyway).


Then I do not fast travel and even when using carriages I use the ScenicCarriages mod and do all travels inworld. I added a mod, which lets all trainers consume the money they get, so that you don't get training for free or by stealing from the trainers. I made crafting material rare in shops, so that I have to go out and hunt for leather and dive into ruins to get soul gems. Same goes for magic weapons in shops, I made them extremely rare. These supermarket-like shops are annoying and immersion breaking, so I made all goods as well less common.


This finally made my game play enjoyable and fun - and now I really like Skyrim. It should have been like this from the very start.

Edited by Ragosch
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i was waiting 9 month to buy skyrim.i really love tes and ofc i will love skyrim. but i was waiting for all patches and mods to be out and ready for dl. also i did not hype myself or watched lets plays.and b4 i will start first serious game i will mod my game to hell ;)
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i was waiting 9 month to buy skyrim.i really love tes and ofc i will love skyrim. but i was waiting for all patches and mods to be out and ready for dl. also i did not hype myself or watched lets plays.and b4 i will start first serious game i will mod my game to hell ;)


Hm, I am not sure that this is a good idea. You need some knowledge about the game to decide, which mod will enhance your game play and which one will just spoil it, because it makes things too easy or too hard. As someone who has meanwhile over 100 mods installed, I can tell you, that it is not easy to keep the game in balance, so that it is enjoyable to play it - and I had to use the creation kit several times to balance things between mods out.


And in general I think, you should have a taste of vanilla Skyrim first and then decide, what is worth modding.

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