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skyrim getting boring


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I'm trying to balance learning to mod with playing and enjoying the game. I think you can get so caught up in tearing the mechanics of the game apart to create something, you forget how cool it is to play!


Another thing that occurred to me from my post yesterday... I have spent 160 hours on Skyrim. 160. I don't spend that amount of time on any other game! And that's relatively no time at all compared to some people. £29.99 for 160+ hours of enjoyment? That's value for money!

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Skyrim makes an effort to simulate the physics of a fantasy world, but fails to make the world around you feel alive, which in turns makes it difficult to feel real sympathy for the other people (they are hundreds, come and pass very quickly), who, like the hero, display lifeless and/or static face expressions. Skyrim is an often long cold lonely journey where the motivation can disappear. After that it becomes a cycle of getting loot to become more powerful, which can be very hard to endure if you are not having fun with combat/visuals/mods. It is shallow in that sense compared to Oblivion, and even more to Dragon Age.

Edited by dunholy
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