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Skyrim save files corrupting, or something.


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So it started a while ago when my game crashed when I loaded a save. I noticed the next save file didn't crash, so I said "Oh, whatever, I'll just make two saves every time I have to save." Then it got worse, and I had to make three saves. Now four. Not sure what's going on here, but I really don't want to make five saves every time I have to save my game.


I have a lot of mods but I've seen people who have 100+ mods, and they don't have to deal with this problem. In fact, I haven't found anyone who's dealing with this problem on the internet, that's why I'm straight up asking. So, can someone pls help?

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I'm having same issues sometimes. I noticed, that many times autosave is corrupted. So I save game after about an hour of playing, becouse you know how is with CTD . You never know when it will happen. But anyway I suggest you to "clean" your savegame. Specially if you install and uninstall mods often, becouse they live some crap behind, and this can corrupt your savegame. I "clean" my save game every once a week, since I do some mod install and uninstall. And many times this helped in my game (less CTD, faster game loading, and less corrupted saves). I suggest you try this, you have nothing to loose. I use this two mods for cleaning:




My usual method is: while in game, press (~) to bring up console command. Than type "save (name as you wish) 1". After Skyrim creates save txt file, I close Skyrim and created txt. Than I run first mod (Skyrim save cleaner) and after that is done I run second mod (Save tool). In Save tool I clean just: Delete all # and Fixscriptinstances. And after that I save file and this is it. It works for me.

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