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How intensive is modding?


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I'm looking into modding and I was just curious on how intensive on the system it is. Here are my specs,


CPU: AMD 6300 6 cores 6 threads 3.5 clock speed


GPU: RX 460


RAM: 8 gigs


Now mind you I'm not looking into what some enthusiasts have where they have like a bazillion mods, Just want some fun into modding like, Immersive armors, SKYUI, Cloaks of Skyrim, etc. Thank you for any feedback

Edited by Rxkill3r
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System is important but I feel the most important thing whether you as a player actually have a basic understanding of modding. It's important because with so many potential mod setups you have to know what your installing and whether they are conflicting or not.
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I appreciate the reply, I'll be careful to which mods I install, and which ones I don't. It dawned on me last night while laying in bed that the most intensive mods in my opinion (Not from personal experience) would probably be graphical overhauls, but that s#*! looks wack. I'll just stick to the basics like immersive armors, and that cool civil war mod that I looked at a little bit ago, i'll also take your tip and make sure I don't run into mods that conflict each other. Thanks again.

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You should be fine with that.

Things to know:


Skyrim is CPU intensive, mods with cloak scripts (scripts that run 24/7) will add to that load, mod according to your power/skill.

Proper modding methods. It's easy once you know, a mountain beforehand.

Stick to 1k textures. 2k if you're feeling cheeky.

Set up and test extensively your enblocal.ini (Given you're going to use enboost or an enb)
Three setting to mess with as an AMD user:

here's a glimpse of mine (Don't copy it, it won't work for you)

DisableDriverMemoryManager=true ;edited true = +1.4 fps
DisablePreloadToVRAM=true ;edited no change, feels a little smoother

edit these, all true, all false and everywhere in between. Make notes

I'm running just under 1000 mods with the following specs, averaging a solid 48-60.

R9 280x

16GB ram
750w psu (I just upgraded, it turns out I was under-powered at 500w, getting a bigger one hugely increased my fps: quick way to find out http://www.coolermaster.com/power-supply-calculator/)

These are some things I've learned, not necessarily 100% accurate, look around.

Good luck

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