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[LE] Different questions for Creation Kit


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Hey guys,

I'm relatively new in the modding community, thats why I wanted to ask you if you can increase the weapon speed per Skill level like you can do with crit damage/chance. I cant find a "calculate weapon speed". I'd like to increase it for 0,1% per level.

Also, I wanted to make minions stronger for 1% per level. I think you make a mod spell magnitude - Multiply +1 with value /conjuration, is that right?

Next thing I don't know is, the same with the weapon speed, only for enemy armor. Like, per level of Two-Handed, your swings decrease the armor of the enemy for 0,1% per level.

The last thing I wanted to change a perk for alteration into: When you dual cast an alteration spell, it applies to allies in 20 feet. I want to buff summons and follower with alteration spells, but dont know how

I know that's a lot of questions, but I hope you can help me.

Edit: How did I turn my background white? O.o

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There is no calculate weapon speed for a perk entry. Changing/getting weapon speed is done through SKSE's GetSpeed/SetSpeed function. From there you'd have to use the story manager to increase the currently equipped weapon's base speed.





Setting up the storymanager for that is a little simple, but you may want to check out the vanilla ones to see how they are setup by bethesda and then replicate that for your mod.


And can use this in the script:

Event OnStoryIncreaseSkill(String asSkill)
    Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
    Bool bCheckLeft = false
    Weapon kCurrentWep = Player.GetEquippedWeapon(bCheckLeft) ; right hand check
    if kCurrentWep != none
        kCurrentWep.SetSpeed(kCurrentWep.GetSpeed() * 1.1)
        bCheckLeft = true
        if kCurrentWep != none
            kCurrentWep.SetSpeed(kCurrentWep.GetSpeed() * 1.1)
            return ; no weapon equipped

Takes in account for any situation where a skill will level up but not holding any weapon(I'm not sure how to check for duel wielding..).


Not tested, but does compile. The rest Im not sure about.


Also I'm assuming by 0.1% you mean 10%(1.1) and not 1%(1.01).

Edited by Rasikko
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