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Noob CK item placement/scrapping/moving issue


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Hi, I'm sure this is a noob question, as I'm new to the FO4 CK and Skyrim didn't have the workshop additions.


I constructed a series of underground bunkers as part of a mod I'm making. That part of it is not a problem, but I'm having issues with items I place into the bunkers. I'm only using vanilla assets intentionally as I want the mod to be able to work for everyone, and also to make sure it's available to port to PS4.


My issue is specifically with item "selection/positioning/scrapping" in game...


In a nut shell If a I grab a container, a bed, a chair ... anything from the menus that the player can interact with, the items become unmovable, unscrappable, in game. I'm trying to drop a loot chest in the bunker. I Chose "Loot_Trunk_Vault81PreWar *" and populated the base item after giving it a unique name. I've even tried dropping an empty vanilla item that you can scrap like the large tool box, and populating it with a quest alias and a forced reference. But it seems everything I add in game. can not be selected to be moved, or scrapped, even though the base item is. I even dropped an additional chest, vanilla empty, but it also becomes a permanent addition to the bunker, and I can only get rid of it with disable.


I'm sure it's keywords, or forms/recipes, but like I said ... noob question.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Did you make a workshop and link trigger boxes around your area? I made a little settlement outdoors in Far Harbor, and couldn't scrap most stuff until I regenerated precombined meshes. Not sure if that's your problem, but you do need to "make a settlement"
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  • 1 month later...

I'm not having quite the same issue BUT... Making a mod at an existing location, everything is scrap-able except a few items example: NpcBenchDinerIntBoothSingleSit01 I'm thinking there has to be a script,keyword or value change somewhere in the Base Item edit that will change this? Any ideas?

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My issue turned out to be my fault entirely ... I had renamed all of the containers I placed in the shelter so I could use the existing quest stages to populate them... But I never created matching CO (constructable Object) records to match the new names. It was a simple fix, only I have to go back and assign thumbnail meshes so they preview in the container menu ... right now they are there but have no image assigned to them. I'd prefer they weren't in the menus at all. Just one more thing to fix ... Always one more thing to fix :)

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