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Making adjustments to an exisiting mod


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Hello all,


I am after a bit of help/advise and would appreciate any and all that can be offered. I don't know if anyone has played the Fallout Who mod for New Vegas, which installs the TARDIS ship from Doctor Who into the Wasteland (yes, I am a nerd!). :laugh:


I am trying to make adjustments to a small part of it for myself.


Basically, one of the control rooms in the mod (called the Toyota) has a central column in the centre, a part of which moves up and down when it's in flight. There's another part of it that remains static - I want to make this bit move as well. (interestingly, the bit that currently moves didn't used to - it was changed in an update; before this one of the mod developers mentioned that you would have to edit the nif for the, separating those bits out and then animating them or scripting them to move).


I used the GECK the find the relevant file (I believe), which is in Data - Meshes - fowv - dungeon - fowvTardis - c2013a. This shows the column, the bottom part I wish to animate (the top part already does in game).


This is the part at which I am stuck! I have nifskope and have used it to navigate to the above file, but am still mostly clueless at how to proceed. I have tried looking up various help guides online, but I'm still unsure how to proceed. I'm not certain who or how to ask for help and thought I'd give this a try! :confused: I did ask this on the proboards for the mod, but no one responded.


Thanks for reading.

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