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Capitalist play-through.. Need Mod suggestions


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Hey guys, I'm back in Skyrim after reading quite an interesting book, Atlas Shrugged, and I want to try Skyrim empire building style.

So I'm thinking, apocalypse, rebuild, establish trading company, work to create a city, become Jarl, go to war with other holds/settlements.

Relevant mods so far
Pocket Empire builder
Guild starter

Tundra Defense
Trade routes

If any of you know of any mods that would compliment this, please do let me know.

Also, I'm looking for a mod to "resurrect" NPCs, to work in a " I just saved you from death/medic" kind of way as apposed to resurrect spells.
This playthrough will be harsh and unforgiving, I would like an immersive way to save NPCs, any thoughts?

Thanks :)


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