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Ser Gilmore and Dog in Awakening released - fully voiced.


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For some reason I cannot edit the topic title of the old post, so I'm creating a new one (hopefully it's ok :-))


Some time ago I created this post asking for some assitance in this new mod: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/400281-ser-gilmore-and-dog-in-awakening-released-alpha-1/page__p__3299685__fromsearch__1#entry3299685


And now I can say that thanks to everybody involved, the mod is now finished, fully voiced. :-D


Thanks everybody! If you are curious, you can play the whole "saga" in full, with Ser Gilmore in Origins (http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=851) and Ser Gilmore and the Dog in Awakening (http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3210)


Thanks, everybody :-)

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CONGRATS on finishing the mod! I gave it a whirl before you got it voiced, and am glad to see it done. :thumbsup:


(BTW: If you send a PM to the Staff, we can look at editing a topic title for you.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, guys!


The new update is here! Again with full VO, thanks to Jon! The update is small, and only involves the case of "Cousland who never played the Origins mod, and therefore knows Rory but thinks he's dead".


Because Awakening is so short, I won't delve into the whole reunion once again, but Rory will now recognize the Cousland PC, and the PC can ask him where he was, etc. New dialogs and a new codex entry were added. The relationship will default to AW_GILMORE_FRIENDSHIP, which already has its own Cousland lines.


Thanks everybody for your input and your help so I can make this mod better!! :-)





arkoudaki: YAY!!! Mine too!!! ha ha ha <3 <3 :-D


harpy7704: No. For many reasons:


- The voice actors are not available.

- Modding Awakening is extremely difficult, because the resources are not in the toolset, so everything derives into one big hack. I was able to pull it off with Ser Gilmore and the dog, but I doubt things will keep being "stable" with other NPCs (especially with how Origins breaks with Awakening mods installed.)

- I'm not the writer of Zevran or Leliana. I doubt I could be truthful to their characters.

- Let's face it. Awakening is one crappy expansion. I love Ser Gilmore and spent years working in the Origins mod. Because of how his story ends in Origins (depending on the path you chose, of course), it would make no sense for him NOT to be in Awakening. So in a sense, he had to come back. The dog came with him because it seemed stupid to me that you would abandon YOUR OWN pet. People are different, though, there is an amount of free will that pets usually don't have.

- I freaking hate cameos. All of Bioware's cameos seem terribly forced and shitty.

- I'm retired. :-)

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