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Remove Ammo Weight in Hardcore Mode


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Hi all!

I recently, after a LONG time away, started playing new vegas again :dance:

One of the things that always annoyed me was the ammo weight addition for hardcore mode. I like all the other features but this.


Is there a mod that gets rid of ammo weight? If not, how might I attempt to do this?


I have attempted this before, and the closest I got was an unstable mod that worked after a few seconds every time the game loaded.


Thanks in advance!

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Alternatively, if you want to be super lazy about it, ie more compatible, you could write a pretty simple script to edit all the weights automatically.


scn AmmoWeightToZeroSCRIPT

short listLength
short listLengthTwo
short countLength
short countlengthTwo
ref listItem
ref listItemTwo

BEGIN GameMode

if getGameRestarted == 0

set listLength to ListGetCount FullAmmoList		;This is a list you make that holds all the other ammo lists
set countLength to 0
Label 1
set listItem to ListGetNthForm FullAmmoList countLength
if (listItem.GetType == 85)
	set listLengthTwo to ListGetCount listItem
	set countlengthTwo to 0
	Label 2
	set listItemTwo to ListGetNthForm listItem countLengthTwo
	if (listItemTwo.GetType == 41)
		SetWeight listItemTwo 0
	set countLengthTwo to (1+countLengthTwo)
	if countLengthTwo < listLengthTwo
		Goto 2
elseif (listItemTwo.GetType == 41)
	SetWeight listItem 0
set countLength to (1+countLength)

if countLength < listLength
	Goto 1



I haven't tested this (validated at Cipscis' Code Validator), but basically what you'd do is just make a quest and a quest script and set the quest to run every second or so. Make your own custom list with the name "FullAmmoList" and add all of the ammo lists into it. Then what it should do is when you run the game it will go through once and search your list, take each of those lists, and then set all the weights to zero. This will work for any mod added ammo that gets added to the vanilla form lists, but it won't cover DLC or mods that make new ammo lists. GRA would need to be patched for, as would HH and a few others.


If you (or anyone else) implements this method, let me know and I'll fix it up to handle the DLC without needing a separate patch file.



Additional notes, this could be written to not need the custom list at all, it would just be longer and I didn't feel like looking up the names of all the ammo lists.

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Oh, well then. What was wrong with it before? Why was it unstable? Did it cause crashes, etc? As for getting it to work instantly, just set the quest delay to .01.


To answer your other question no, there's no script based way to get it to set permanently. The weights are part of the ESM data and anything you do to change them in the game won't stick around. Only way to override them is with a plugin that changes them.

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Alternatively, if you want to be super lazy about it, ie more compatible, you could write a pretty simple script to edit all the weights automatically.


scn AmmoWeightToZeroSCRIPT

short listLength
short listLengthTwo
short countLength
short countlengthTwo
ref listItem
ref listItemTwo

BEGIN GameMode

if getGameRestarted == 0

set listLength to ListGetCount FullAmmoList		;This is a list you make that holds all the other ammo lists
set countLength to 0
Label 1
set listItem to ListGetNthForm FullAmmoList countLength
if (listItem.GetType == 85)
	set listLengthTwo to ListGetCount listItem
	set countlengthTwo to 0
	Label 2
	set listItemTwo to ListGetNthForm listItem countLengthTwo
	if (listItemTwo.GetType == 41)
		SetWeight listItemTwo 0
	set countLengthTwo to (1+countLengthTwo)
	if countLengthTwo < listLengthTwo
		Goto 2
elseif (listItemTwo.GetType == 41)
	SetWeight listItem 0
set countLength to (1+countLength)

if countLength < listLength
	Goto 1



I haven't tested this (validated at Cipscis' Code Validator), but basically what you'd do is just make a quest and a quest script and set the quest to run every second or so. Make your own custom list with the name "FullAmmoList" and add all of the ammo lists into it. Then what it should do is when you run the game it will go through once and search your list, take each of those lists, and then set all the weights to zero. This will work for any mod added ammo that gets added to the vanilla form lists, but it won't cover DLC or mods that make new ammo lists. GRA would need to be patched for, as would HH and a few others.


If you (or anyone else) implements this method, let me know and I'll fix it up to handle the DLC without needing a separate patch file.



Additional notes, this could be written to not need the custom list at all, it would just be longer and I didn't feel like looking up the names of all the ammo lists.

Hahaha that was so nice of you, to write the script for him, I´ll feel delighted of that gest Xp

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