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Mod Combinations that Surprisingly Compliment?


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Just as the title says, does anyone have an experience where a few ( possibly unrelated) mods together changed the game in such as way that it was surprising and really really good? If so, share them!


For example I accidentally created a mod combo that really stuck out to me:

- Flora Overhaul (and the associated .ini file edits to make foliage denser)

- Vividian ENB ("doom" dark interiors and night)

- by extension also CoT and Enhanced Lights & FX

- SkyTEST Realistic Animals & Predators

- Wildcat Combat of Skyrim

Outcome: As a Dark Souls enthusiast and a masochist, I love when my games are way too difficult to handle. This combo of mods made nights nearly impossible to survive without precaution, where large packs of wolves and other large predators could approach unheard and unseen and hit with such ferocity that I would be out like a light if I wasn't prepared. Nights were dreadfully dark and dense foliage was incredibly obstructing to my vision, while predators were silent and realistically deadly. When sunset hit (I don't believe in fast travel or time passing unless it's through sleep) my stomach would drop and I knew I would need to find somewhere to camp out and fast before I had only my torch to light the paths. It felt like a real full-game overhaul of the night system.


If you have any similar stories involving mod combos, share them, tell what it changed about your experience, and if you recommend them or not!

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