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Need help starting new game


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I just bought the pc version last week so I could try modding. I went through some initial problems when I used both the Steam platform and the NMM to add some mods, so I removed all of them, and added everything through NMM, except for a few strageolers that weren't availble anywhere but steam; now when I start a new game, the loading page comes up and seems to be working normally, but when I choose New game, it seems to accept my mouse click, I hear the audio sound it makes when you clicked the link, but the game never loads, it just sits on the menu/load screen with the intro playing and never starts a game. Anyone have any suggestions how to resolve, or where to look for additional help?
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Deactivate all of your mods. Play-test. Activate a few mods and play-test. If broken, deactivate some mods. If not broken activate some mods. Pinpoint bad mod. Terminate this mod with extreme prejudice.
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