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[LE] Effect not playing.


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Hi everyone, I've defined terms and effects to play once my quest reaches a certain stage, and the script compiles without error, however in-game the effect never plays, but everything else works. Does anyone know what's going on?

PortalEffect.Play(Quaranir, 2, None)

Thanks in advance,


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Everything seems right to me.


2 things that come to mind though is either you forgot to fill the PortalEffect property, or Quaranir is being disabled before the portaleffect plays, and so the function exits and there was no objectreference to play the effect on. The latter shouldn't happen since Play is faster than Disable(it has to wait for the reference to not be held by any variables, etc).


OR(just thought of this..) you need to pass Alias_Quaranir.GetReference() to the Play function as well.

Edited by Rasikko
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