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FROST Black Terain Bug Fix


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So is precalc still broken or you just referenced the cell in your esp and the fixed remained?


Edit: lol didn't see second page. So that answers that.

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Yeah, I'm getting it too but in Far Harbor. It's absolutely everywhere and it's not occluded by fog so it sticks out, it's painfully distracting. I'm not even sure where to start with fixing it or finding out what's causing it, I avoid using the CK because it throws tantrums and crashes for me constantly so I usually just rely on Fo4edit, and that isn't helping me at all with this.




Prepare your eyeballs for the next one, it's the worst one I've found yet.




Without the fog in the way, the square shape isn't visible. It just looks like a black splotch resembling spilled oil, easily mistakable for a misplaced static shadow.

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