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Power armor torso/leg twist issue


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I have this weird glitch with power armor in 3rd person view, where if I aim with a weapon, and then walk/run forward and left at the same time, the torso twists up and the legs face the opposite direction while I'm moving (see attached pic).

Once the weapon is back at ease (not held up), the glitch disappears and I move just fine, but once I aim/shoot the weapon or jump, it's there again. And this only happens while moving forward+left (pressing W+A), every other direction - all fine.

I have a legal copy of the game since its launch, played it with and without mods for over 800hrs now, have reinstalled at least five times, but this glitch still persists. And what is even weirder is that I'm not able to find anyone else on the web that might be having this issue..

Please don't tell me this is intended/normal. Movement can't be this weird.. Feels extremely out of place when playing, and really puts me off from using power armor :/ Any insights greatly appreciated.

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Do you have any power armor or animation mods installed?


I would guess that you don't find many people reporting this issue, because it's normal... The game is very buggy when it comes to animation.


Or how would you explain this?



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The only PA mod I have right now is one that only affects the durability of the armor pieces, and I've had this issue when playing without any mods as well.


You have a point, this issue isn't that much of a bug, since 1) it doesn't just pop up randomly, it's there all the time, and 2) it's way less jarring than say the example you provided.


Nevertheless, this twisting of the torso just doesn't feel natural, why the hell would they make it like that...

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