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Dark Brotherhood Overhaul [Spoilers within]


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When you first joined the dark brotherhood were you like me, excited to be part of an assassin group that was just that, assassins? I was, I thought of them as nothing more than paid assassins with a code to live by. And then I got even more excited when I saw that Astrid had a clear problem with Cicero and the Night Mother trying to restore the Dark Brotherhoods old ways. I thought it would be an optional point, where you could either fight to keep the brotherhood the way Astrid envisions it, or you could fight Astrid and restore the brotherhood under the banner of the night mother. When I realized there was no option at all I was completely disgusted, and turned off from the whole questline.


So it seems to me that the brotherhood should have a fork right at that point in the quest. Go with Astrid and keep the brotherhood the way it is, or side with Cicero and restore the brotherhood to what it was, by destroying Astrid and any within the group who will not oblige.


I do not know about you guys, but as I said, I hugely preferred the brotherhood when it was an assassins group and nothing more. Not some puppets of a mummified woman who doesn't know how to die.


This isn't so much as a request I am just interested to know if anyone else felt the same way.

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