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Displaying GlobalVariables in Messages


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Is there any way besides a quest to make a message display the value of a global variable?


Also, as far as I've read, it's possible for a Debug.MessageBox to display the value of Global variables, but how is that done?


Here is the messagebox code that I want to have my variables displayed in:


Debug.MessageBox("Level:" Level.GetValue(), "Level Progress:" Use.GetValue(), "Perk Points Available:" PointsAvailable.GetValue())


The compiler is throwing out numerous errors with this line, so I assume that I'm going about it the wrong way.

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Ahh, I tried that as:


Debug.MessageBox("Level: " + Level.value ", Level Progress: " + Use.value ", Perk Points Available: " + PointsAvailable.value)


I saw another script that used a similar format, but it only had one phrase and one variable so I didn't know what to do when there were more. Looks like I just left out some '+'s. Thanks for your help! :smile:

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