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Multiple Firetraps?!?


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<Still need some direction on post #6, please...>


Hi all,


I'm trying to learn how to do traps. I have successfully done darts, and understand how to set the parent trigger to more than one dart. However, I'm not positive how to do a trap trigger hinge connected to a chest, which in turn does a linked reference to a flame thrower.


One flamethrower works, but how do I do more than one from a single hinge trigger?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

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You can't make the trap the activate parent of both the traps? That doesn't sound right..


May check.


Either way sounds interesting whatever your cooking up. Hope you put up anything good you make :D



I'll try that... in the "trap warehouse" that I was reading in the tutorial, the chest is the parent to the trap activator hinge, and the hinge has a linked referal thingie to the flamethrower.


Yeah, for my first full-fledged attempt at creating a mod, I'm kinda goin' bonkers... a fully-detailed player home with an attached starter dungeon. :teehee: I do plan to upload it here in a couple of weeks once Im done.

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Hmmm... I'm still having issues with this. :confused:


I have all four of my traps linked to a parent trap trigger hinge for a chest, but when I test trying to disable the hinge the traps still go off.



I'm trying to:


1) Have multiple traps go off when a trigger (attached to a "parent" chest) is activated.


2) Disable that trigger with a lockpick skill so that the traps will NOT go off.


I'm trying to figure out if I should use a trap linker marker (blue "L") somehow, but can't seem to get this working correctly. Specific instructions so i can get this working would be greatly appreciated!!!

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If you want to use the traplinker, set it up so the activate parents of the trap itself is the traplinker. The easiest thing to do is to select (ctrl+click) each trap you want tied together, then hit the "-" key on the numpad. Click "activate parents" thing, set time so the numbers are equal (0.0 to 0.0 would work best, as it would be instant), All the traps will be in the new window that pops up, click "select reference in render window", then double click the traplinker in the render window. Click "do", and viola. The traps are all linked to the traplinker, with a delay of 0.0.


Go to the TrapTriggerHinge. Set the lock level. On the LinkedRef tab, make a new linked ref with the window that pops up, select reference in render window, double click the traplinker, with keyword "TrapLink". Then, go to the Activate Parents tab, and make the Activate Parent of the TriggerHinge to the Chest. I think the scripts tab could be left alone.


So... Chest activates the Hinge. Upon activation, the Hinge's linked reference of the traplinker gets told to fire. The traplinker then tells the traps to all fire at once, instantaneously.


That should work. Aye?

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I figured out what the problem was... :wallbash:


I had the trap hinge listed as a lined reference AND active parent in the trap linker, which was setting it off when unlocked. Removing the hinge as an active parent fixed it, now unlocking disables the traps so the chest can be opened safely.


Thanks so much for all of your input folks, learning how to manipulate some of this stuff is somewhat difficult to comprehend for a new modder and CK user. :blink:

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