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Script that controls the chance of a dragon spawn?


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Hello, I was looking to increase the chance of a random dragon encounter occurring. I'm not familiar with modding Skyrim, and haven't been able to find a script that controls the rate of spawns. I was hoping someone could give me the name of the script that handles this. Or if its not controlled by a script, but a variable somewhere else, if someone could tell me where to find it in the CK I'd appreciate it.


Edited by R04dKi11
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The global variable WIWaitDragon controls how many days you have to wait before another dragon attack can show up.


If that's not good enough, you will need to read up on the story manager and how it triggers quests through SM event nodes. Then you will need to take a look at the Script Event node and look at the WEDragonQuests node. You'll have to figure out how to get it to trigger more often than the other random wilderness encounters.

Edited by fg109
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Thanks for your help. But its not quite what I want. I think I've found a roundabout way of doing it though. I can simply use the in-game clock, and then every X amount of hours, I can use PlaceAtMe to 'spawn' a dragon near the player. I'll have to look into probability in the Papyrus language so that instead of every X hours, there is a chance for one to be spawned every X hours. But I think I'm moving in the right direction now.
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