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Aiming glitch


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Do not know what happened. Everything was going good. Using uHud, oHud, SelectFire, Selective Fire, M14 Select Fire, Goodsprings Weapon Shop mod, and lastly Weapon Mods Expandef (with associated patches, WMV, etc.).

It started when I got the quest to clear the roads for Jackson. Using M14 from Good Springs Imperator3 Gun Store by WARW90. Using Selective fire, went to 3 round burst and was crouched. Once I was ready, aimed at the ants and my screen began jerking to the left, like a body twitch. Also running WSEX and all associated mods. Wondering it that isn't causing a problem.

Anywho, tried resolving the issue by deactivating select fire and selective fire, first one then the other. No luck.

Now, if any enemies are present or if in crouched position I get the sideways jerk.

Any ideas are appreciated.

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