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[LE] Warm Clothes Distribution


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I am using Snowy Windhelm and I'd like to get all it's citizens dressed up as they should be dressed under such a climate conditions. Actually I am ready to edit outfit for every NPC separately. I have fur coats and other warm clothes for that purpose. But I wouldn't like them to walk around with fur coats and hats on day and night. How to force them to take off those things when they enter an interior cell? Should I add a special script, a keyword, and two separate outfits for each NPC to swap between?

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You need different packages for different locations. Condition the packages with the locations and / or weather condition your NPC should change their clothes. You can also set the time when the package should run. Attach a script at the start of the package that tells the npc to change the outfit. For that you need to put the clothes or armor as outfit in ck. Then use

yourNPC.AddItem(yourOutfit) and

yourNPC.EquipItem(yourOutfit) and



This works if you have a quest for the npcs. It will not work this way if you attach these packages to the actor directly. Make a quest and put all the npcs as alias into that quest and attach the packages and scripts to the alias.


That way it works for my followers. I've tested it with ten of them. I think that works only on unique npcs. And I don't know how solid it is with fifty of npcs :smile: With a powerful machine it may run.

Edited by Tasheni
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