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lighting effects


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are there any fx lighting mods that DO NOT hinder your distance of seeing. example the enhanced lights and fx mod for lighting hinders my distance to see, even when its day light out, making it hard to use a bow from a good distance. so it kills me from being an assassin cause i cant shoot a bow from a distance without being spotted.

please give me some suggestions

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There are a lot of lighting mods that make Skyrim a lot darker. Here are some options:

  • ELFXEnhancer.esp and ELFX - Hardcore.esp make lighting darker. You can try disabling those.
  • Relighting Skyrim is often used with Enhanced Lighting for ENB - Lite. However, if you don't want it to be so dark, then don't use ELE Lite. Relighting Skyrim by itself is quite bright.
  • Realistic Lighting Overhaul is another option. Version 5.x and 4.08.02 are quite different, so you may want to compare them. Any of the ESPs can be disabled as preferred.
  • ENBs often make things darker. You can ei ther tweak the settings or try a different ENB preset.
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