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[Fo4] How to check if an essential NPC is 'down'


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I am experimenting with a little quest where I have a Quest script that runs a timer every 5 seconds to check if my essential NPC actor
is 'down'
With 'down' I mean the actor is sitting on the ground (as essentials can not die)
I guess my problem is that I do not have a better term at the moment :wink:
If the actor is not essential I guess I could use the Actor#isDead() method which always returns false in
my case which makes sense.
So I tried ObjectReference#GetValuePercentage() which yields 'is not a function' in the compiler output.
I have also tried Actor#GetValue(HealthAV) which is a step in the right direction but returns 231 something
when the actor is sitting on the ground. Not sure what the value means as I expect it to be 0
My questions are:
Is there a method for the state I am looking for?
Why can't I call Actor#GetValuePercentage() or friends on my Actor?
What is it I do not understand :smile:
Here is a simplified version of my script
Scriptname TV_MyQuestScript extends Quest

Actor Property NPCActor Auto Const
ActorValue property HealthAV Auto

int timerId = 10 
int delay = 5

Function CheckStatus()
    int npcHealth = NPCActor.GetValue(HealthAV) as int
    Debug.Notification("health" +  npcHealth)
    if npcHealth == 0
        StartTimer(delay, timerId)

Event OnTimer(Int aiTimerID)

Thank you in advance and forgive my horrible English (it is not my first language)



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