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Creating Background Heartbeat-Like Script


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As its event driven, try to find status change or action events to register your script for notifications on, most of 'em on one page here.


If none of them work then your timer is fine and should keep ticking between saves ... although .... I always add an OnPlayerLoadGame() StartTimer() to ensure timers do keep ticking between saves (needs to be in a script attached to a Quest alias forced to the player).


I can confirm that you don't need to care about saves, rest or fast travel stopping your timers when you just StartTimer() somewhere and put that same StartTimer() statement at the end of its corresponding event logic. PIRAD has no internal logic to reset its timers for that hypothetical case and it runs just fine across all of these cases. Timers start once OnInit() of a quest script and just keep re-StartTimer()ing when their event fires.


Might be "unclean" or sloppy style, I don't know. But it works just fine in general.

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