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How do you make a pool of water?


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I can help with this one...I just figured it out earlier.


First is it Interrior or Exterior?


EXTERIOR CELLS: Go To WORLD>CELLS>HAS WATER (CHECK BOX) Then adjust the Height of the water. You might have to open and close the CELLS Properties and make adjustments until you get the water to the exact Height you want in your exterior. Sometime, I had to reload the exterior by loading an Interior then reloading the exterior. Also, while fine tunning the height of the water I noticed that several layers of water would appear...don't worry about this, if you save and reload your mod, the CK will correct this oddity.


INTERIOR CELLS: In the OBJECTS window search type "water1024" (no quoteation marks) then click ACTIVATORS. Click and drag it into your map. Double click to edit the flow and direction.

Edited by leedavis
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hi! i have a problem. im making a mod. this have a large river in exterior cell i use water1204 (activator) but when i generate LOD, whit Oscape and TES5LODgen, i get the waterfalls but not water riverflow. some help? thanks

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