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No rain?


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Hey, so I was looking at the weather mods, and I cant seem to find one that does what I want- which is namely, stop it from raining. I don't like thunderstorms in real life, and so having my character walk outdoors during a thunderstorm is not good. any I hate the rain in Skyrim anyway. Honestly, I could do without ANY weather in the game. (I know many people feel having rain and snow and stuff makes it more realistic, but to me its distracting)

Is there a mod that does this that I overlooked? its a little thing that is terribly jarring for me, I always have to turn the volume off during the thunderstorm scenes, and they last for hours some times. Thank you for your help and have a great day of gaming.

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I had thought of that, because I remember my roommate showing me some weather codes. But I don't know them and I'm not sure where to find them. The websites and apps I usually use for ID codes don't have weather codes, just item, spell, and perk codes. Do you know any or do you know where I can find them? (any suggestions for mods would be good too.) ((also, thank you for answering!))

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You know, unless you are playing as one of those non-dragonborn thingies, if you progress thru' the main quest far enough you will learn the Clear Skies shout which does exactly what it says, clear skies.


This shout is probably my second most-used shout as I hate bad weathers as well.


Happy gaming.

Edited by freddark
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Oh! honestly, I have so much fun with character creation and modding and building houses and raising orphans, I haven't gotten past meeting that friend of Delphine. I'm supposed to rescue him from the Rat Way, but I usually go off on side quests by that point and I haven't ever rescued him.

But yes, I will definitely look up the item codes for Clear Skies and use that! Thank you!

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