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Looking for the location of damage numbers


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I've seen a few mods with change to damage numbers to players/npcs. I kinda wanted to mess around with them myself, without changing perks. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be great! Also, I wanted to do this on normal difficulty. I'll be digging around in the kit for a bit, thanks for the help.

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You would want to edit their Strength special stat, although be aware that there's not just one place to do that. Most Actors are based off lists of lots of template Actors. So you'd be a editing a number of Actors base stats to balance it across the board. Actors also have "classes" which are effectively add ons to their stats. So that way bosses for example could have BossClass that adds even more.


Might be simpler for you to edit the weapon damages, depends how dedicated you are to the task :)

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