AthyEstel Posted December 14, 2017 Share Posted December 14, 2017 Hi again, I have another alert that I don't understand. I took a picture of the alert window cus it is too long to type. Ok, facts. I use NMM, FNIS, and LOOT all three say that everything checks out AOK. Now the last sentence makes sense- I found the esp file and its low down, just like it says, but how do i raise it? and most importantly--HOW FAR UP do I raise it? I mean, as far as I know, Skyrim, SKSE, the DLCs and the patches ALWAYS are at the very top, so would i put it right below those? or are other mods more important.and the rest of it, yikes. it says illegal. are we talking 'not the right way' or 'i broke the law'? also, the FaceGen is like super necessary! its part of the whole CharGen thing that makes my girls have pretty faces. ((actually, I have been having problems with CharGen alerts too.Weirdest thing is that if I click ok and keep playing, it seems ot be ok. But knowing my luck, while i think its working fine, its slowly destroying my game or something.anyway, here is my current Load Order. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm 7 7 Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm 8 8 GeneralStores.esm 9 9 AOM.esm 10 a JSwords.esm 11 b RaceCompatibility.esm 12 c ETaC - RESOURCES.esm 13 d HighResTexturePack01.esp 14 e HighResTexturePack02.esp 15 f HighResTexturePack03.esp 16 10 SkyUI.esp 17 11 FNIS.esp 18 12 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 19 13 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 20 14 WeightlessPotions.esp 21 15 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 22 16 KS Hairdos - HDT.esp 23 17 WeightlessScrolls.esp 24 18 WeightlessDwemerSmeltables.esp 25 19 WeightlessDragonClaws.esp 26 1a WeightlessDragonBones.esp 27 1b WeightlessCraftedPotions.esp 28 1c WeightlessAlchemyIngredients.esp 29 1d ETaC - Complete.esp 30 1e ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp 31 1f pick100.esp 32 20 EternalTorch.esp 33 21 consolecommandsanditemcodesR4.esp 34 22 ImmersiveCheatMenu.esp 35 23 Lakeview_Extended.esp 36 24 Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp 37 25 BlackthornManor.esp 38 26 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 39 27 Immersive Solstheim.esp 40 28 SMIM-Merged-All.esp 41 29 Run For Your Lives.esp 42 2a RiversideLodge.esp 43 2b Silverstead.esp 44 2c buildablehouse.esp 45 2d nTr4nc3 - Whiterun Mansion.esp 46 2e Infinite Gold For Merchants.esp 47 2f RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp RND_USKP-Patch.esp 48 30 WeightlessFood.esp 49 31 Farm Animals.esp 50 32 Farm Animals_HF.esp 51 33 WeightlessOreIngotsPeltsGems.esp 52 34 White River Cottage.esp 53 35 EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp 54 36 Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp 55 37 Realistic Wildlife Loot - Realistic.esp 56 38 KS Jewelry.esp 57 39 AOM.esp 58 3a Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp 59 3b klwVlindrelLodge.esp 60 3c WellsOfSkyrimRND ETaC including South Dragon Bridge Patch.esp 61 3d WellsOfSkyrimRND.esp 62 3e Necessary Map Markers (all files included).esp 63 3f HouseWaterPumps_RND.esp 64 40 CraftingSupplies_AIO_ALL.esp 65 41 KS Hairdo's.esp 66 42 Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets.esp 67 43 zzArmormashups.esp 68 44 CharGen Morphs.esp 69 45 CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp 70 46 AMatterOfTime.esp 71 47 EEO Morphs.esp 72 48 vwrNeckSeamFix.esp 73 49 ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp 74 4a ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp 75 4b RaceMenu.esp 76 4c RaceMenuPlugin.esp 77 4d XPMSE.esp 78 4e CraftableClothes.esp 79 4f HearthfireMultiKid.esp 80 50 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp 81 51 RND_AnimalLoot.esp 82 52 RND_DrinkingFountains-Patch.esp 83 53 Additional Children Clothes.esp 84 54 Toys.esp 85 55 ExpandedChildrenGifts.esp 86 56 My Home Is Your Home.esp 87 57 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp 88 58 LustmordVampireArmor.esp 89 59 WestWindMisfit.esp 90 5a TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 91 5b TradeBarter.esp 92 5c AutoHarvest2.esp 93 5d Unlimited Rings Multilingual.esp 94 5e Ring of Himalayan Hauling v1.0.esp 95 5f SacredRingofJeebus.esp 96 60 LunariRace.esp 97 61 TERAArmors_CBBE.esp 98 62 CharacterMakingExtender.esp 99 63 The Ningheim.esp100 64 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp101 65 Immersive Weapons.esp102 66 ScopedBows.esp103 67 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ubeno Posted December 14, 2017 Share Posted December 14, 2017 first of all RaceMenu and ECE doesn't work well together, but its up to you if you want to use both. btw move charactermakingextender.esp right above enhancedcharacteredit.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AthyEstel Posted December 14, 2017 Author Share Posted December 14, 2017 Ive read that (the ece/racemenu issue) in other posts, but I have multiple body mods and some need ECE and others need racemenu. I don't know which I would get rid of. :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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